Young people today face a bewildering range of choices whether it’s further study or entering employment. Both education and the work environment are rapidly changing and evolving and
having independent and impartial careers advice is instrumental in making the right decisions.
The Career Place is a small team of professionally qualified career advisers who have a wealth of experience in advising young people at key transition stages.
Many schools use the Morrisby psychometric profile to generate career ideas by helping young people identify their interests and strengths and this can be a great starting point for our guidance interviews.
If Morrisby is not offered at your young person’s school, we can offer you individual access through The Career Place. We also deliver standalone career guidance, where preferred.
"As much as I was able to help my son with his decision making, to have someone qualified and impartial, support him to consider his options, was invaluable.
The Morrisby test was a great tool too. It provided very personalised results which enabled my son to discuss his strengths and interests in the context of HE and ultimately a career path.
As a family, we found the guidance incredibly useful. I would absolutely recommend to others."
- Parent of S6 pupil, Cumbernauld
"The adviser really helped my son by speaking with him in a warm, friendly manner, delivering a wealth of information in a short time with great enthusiasm and positivity.
She gave him invaluable advice for course choices going forwards into S6, gap year job opportunities and for university applications. He now feels confident and focussed having been given clear guidelines by the career adviser on how to research further into career opportunities and feels really motivated to study hard for his upcoming Highers."
- Parent of S5 pupil, Stirlingshire.
A team of professionally qualified career advisers, for more information – Check out our About Us page
They will receive a short report summarising the discussion and we will work together with them to come up with a personalised action plan to identify next steps.
In schools, the interview will either take place face to face, or virtually, as requested by the school. Individual interviews will be online using MS Teams or Zoom, as appropriate.
No – we are experienced in delivering advice and guidance to young people moving onto college, apprenticeships, gap years and straight into employment.
In many ways the Morrisby profile is an ideal starting point as it will help generate career ideas. Many of the young people we see are at an early stage in their career thinking, and we appreciate that even those with definite career ideas often change their minds.
This underlines the importance of keeping options open and our guidance always reflects this.
Yes, we offer mock interview practice for both university and college applicants, as well as young people entering the world of work.
The Morrisby profile via The Career Place costs £30 and the guidance interview is £75. (All prices are inclusive of VAT)